Technical Articles

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A short, special tour of Copenhagen

Das Eingangsschild des Tivoli

A short, special tour of Copenhagen

In July, Dr. Dieter Köster, CEO, and Pay Simonsen, former Technical Consultant, visited our partner in Denmark. In the following, Dr. Köster reports on his impressions.

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From ruin to modern retreat

Außenansicht des Hotels Lonca in Slowenien

From ruin to modern retreat

Comprehensive, professional refurbishment saves Hotel Lonca from demolition

This project is an example of what KÖSTER stands for: Extending the life cycle of buildings. In this case, hundreds of tons of concrete and other materials were saved, as well as energy, time and money.

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KÖSTER in Riga, Latvia

Dr. Dieter Köster in Riga, Lettand

KÖSTER in Riga, Latvia

The KÖSTER BAUCHEMIE AG is a company that develops and manufactures products that extend the service life of buildings. I was able to see just how diverse and technically challenging this field of work is during my visit to Riga, Latvia, in May.

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Crystallizing Waterproofing


Crystallizing Waterproofing

Crystallizing waterproofing is not only but typically applied in cases of a negative side water pressure. A typical case of negative side waterproofing is when water comes through the walls of a basement and the waterproofing is carried out from the inside.


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TPO Membranes


TPO Membranes

TPO is acronymous for Thermoplastic Polyolefin and it is a type of polymer single-ply membrane that uses thermo-welding (hot air) to connect the seams. This type of membrane was originally developed in the 80's and it is currently the fastest growing membrane in the roofing and waterproofing industry.

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