Levelling for floor areas exposed to moisture

1 Concrete

2 Shot blasted concrete

3 Vapor barrier coating
5 Self leveling underlayment
6 Footfall sound insulation

7 Floor covering

For a comprehensive waterproofing solution on concrete substrates prone to moisture infiltration, the system begins with thorough preparation by shot blasting. Following this, KÖSTER VAP I 2000 is applied, a vapor barrier primer designed specifically for non-waterproofed interior concrete floors. This advanced material effectively reduces Moisture Vapor Emission Rates (MVER) and alkalinity, ensuring a suitable environment for various types of flooring systems. Once the KÖSTER VAP I 2000 has cured, the KÖSTER VAP I 06 Primer is applied, which prepares the surface for the subsequent installation of KÖSTER SL Premium. This water-based, single-component primer is versatile and suitable for both absorbent and non-absorbent substrates. Finally, KÖSTER SL Premium is applied, a high-quality, fast-setting underlayment that cures tension-free, delivering a smooth, leveled surface ready for the installation of various flooring systems. KÖSTER SL Premium can be applied in thicknesses ranging from 5 to 15 mm, accommodates various substrate conditions, and is capable of feathering out to 2 mm and filling depressions up to 30 mm. Once cured, it provides a robust, multifunctional leveling layer, ready to support the installation of tiles and other finishes, ensuring a durable and resilient flooring solution.



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